Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Implants in Queens NY

by | Aug 3, 2015 | Dentist

Dental Implants Queens NY have become an excellent alternative to dentures because they are small appliances that are inserted into the upper and / or lower jawbone. This is a perfect procedure for those who have lost some teeth, have very little teeth left or no teeth at all. Do you have some questions about the treatment and still not convinced that it is right for you? This article will discuss some advantages and disadvantages that dental implants have today.

Given the wide variety of Dental Implants Queens NY, and its growing popularity in people who need the effective replacement of one or several teeth, this list will allow you to see its advantages and disadvantages, and help you make the best decision. The advantages of dental implants:

* Prevent impairment of other healthy teeth by removing the constant use of removable dentures.

* It provides excellent support and stability in the mouth when chewing.

* It provides a natural feel comparable to real teeth rather than traditional false teeth.

* Improves your self-esteem because your appearance and speech are improved considerably.

* They do not cause antigen-antibody responses as they are made of synthetic, sterile, biologically compatible materials.

* Implants ensure superior durability which is specially designed, lasting for over 25 years.

Because Dental Implants Queens NY replaces the tooth roots, so the bone is preserved. Conventional dentures that are placed in the bone where the roots of the teeth were lost before begins to resorb. Integrated with the maxillary dental implants, they will help the patient maintain healthy and intact bone. Dental implants do not harm neighboring natural teeth no matter where they are put in. Unlike other common treatments for the loss of several teeth, such as bridges or removable partial dentures that use the neighboring teeth to grip, the consequences of wearing implants are really low. Dental implants are much easier to clean as well. On the other hand, despite the many positive qualities that dental implants have, dentists cannot fail to point out some issues that could be considered disadvantages to this dental system. Implants require a monetary investment greater than removable dentures or conventional fixed bridges. However, when you consider that it can take on average more than twice as long as the other partial solutions, you realize that this investment is worthwhile from the start.

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