Discolored Teeth? Cosmetic Dentistry Services in St George, UT can Brighten Them

by | Feb 17, 2015 | Dental Services

It’s hard enough facing a life-threatening illness, but it’s harder when it changes a person’s physical appearance. Medications can lead to weight gain and discolored teeth. The person even hates looking in the mirror and gets very depressed. Since a person’s attitude is very important when they are sick, his oncologist recommends that he speak to a dentist at Cosmetic Dentistry Services in St George UT. The dentist tells him that veneers are the best way to whiten his teeth. Chemical bleaching treatments aren’t effective on his type of tooth discoloration.

Veneers are thin shells that are cemented over the front of the teeth. Since the sick person’s teeth are well shaped and attractive, he will only need the veneers on the teeth that are discolored. Veneers can be made from resin or porcelain. Resin veneers take only one dental visit to fit and install, while porcelain veneers take three visits. However, many people think that porcelain veneers look more like natural tooth enamel. Since the veneers will be sitting beside real enamel, the patient chooses porcelain veneers.

The dentist at Cosmetic Dentistry Services in St George UT removes a small amount of tooth enamel. This allows the veneer to sit on the tooth properly. It will also be even with the teeth on other side of it. He then takes an impression that will be sent to the dental technician who will fashion the veneers. The dentist will send a photograph of the teeth, so that the technician can match the white color and shading perfectly. At the next visit the dentist will carefully check the fit and color. If the patient agrees that they look good, he will use strong adhesive to attach them to the teeth. A powerful light will help the adhesive cure and create a secure bond between the porcelain veneer and the tooth. The cancer patient will have one less worry when he sees his restored bright smile.

Premier Dental is a St. George dental practice that provides cosmetic dentistry services. Patients can contact them with any questions about veneers or other cosmetic dentistry treatments.



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