Cosmetic Dentists in Alpharetta, GA Use Dental Implants and Bridges to Replace Teeth

by | Jun 10, 2015 | Dental Services

Missing teeth affect a person’s health and self-esteem. This is particularly true if they are located in the front of the mouth. Cosmetic Dentists in Alpharetta GA can replace the person’s teeth using a variety of techniques. The two most commonly used are dental implants and permanent bridges. Dental implants are small titanium cylinders that are inserted into the person’s jawbone. Eventually they take the place of the natural tooth root. It takes about eight weeks for the jaw to fully incorporate an implant. During that time the gum grows over the implant. Once the implant is part of the jawbone, it is as strong as the tooth root it is replacing.

When the dental implant is secure in the jaw, Cosmetic Dentists in Alpharetta GA remove the gum over the implant. They then add a metal extension that forms the base for a dental crown. This also requires a short healing period. The final step is to place a porcelain dental crown over the extension. The dentist makes sure that the dental technician building the crown matches it to the surrounding teeth. When the procedure is complete, no one can tell that it’s a porcelain crown sitting on a dental implant. With proper care and cleaning, these should last for decades.

Dental implants should be placed in the jaw as soon as possible after a tooth loss, because they require a robust and strong jawbone. Without a tooth root to support, the jaw deteriorates quickly. Sometimes an oral surgeon can rebuild the jawbone. If this isn’t an option, the dentist can use a permanent bridge to fill the gap. A permanent bridge is made of porcelain and also looks very natural. The two healthy teeth on either side of the gap caused by the missing tooth are covered with porcelain crowns. These are attached to the porcelain crown that fills the gap. The process take two to three dental visits and is usually completed within a month. After the permanent bridge is in place, the patient must use special floss to clean between the bridge and the gum. If the patient follows their dentist’s cleaning instructions, a permanent bridge will also last for decades.

RA Dental Studio is one of the dental practices in Alpharetta that can use dental implants and permanent bridges to enhance a person’s smile.

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